The March on Washington

How the largest human rights demonstration in U.S. history came together

Led by: Carolyn Crouch

Virtual experiences take place via Zoom. Contact us for details.

On August 28, 1963, 250,000 Americans assembled in Washington, D.C. for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a landmark protest for civil rights. Hear how the massive event came together in three short months, the obstacles its planners faced, and the key roles played by Washington, D.C.โ€™s male and female Black leadership.

  • Learn about earlier civil rights protests held in the nationโ€™s capital.
  • Find out why no women were originally included as speakers in the official March program.
  • Get to know members of the interracial coalition that ensured the March became reality.
  • Discover why Hollywood celebrities made the trek to Washington.
  • Hear why music was a key element of the March.