Rock Creek Park

Explore the rugged heart of Washington, D.C.

Duration and Cost

Approximately 2 hours.
$35 per person.


Public tours are limited to 15 participants.

Time and Dates

9:30am on

  • 10/20

This tour is also available for private groups.
Please contact us for details.

Join a rugged, off-road hike in the heart of the city that explores “wild” Washington.

It begins at the bustling commercial heart of D.C.’s Cleveland Park neighborhood, then quickly descends a small stream valley into the heart of Rock Creek Park itself. That’s when both the natural and historic features of this magnificent natural landscape will become evident, including infrastructure that predates the establishment of Rock Creek Park. 

Questions we’ll answer on this guided hiking tour

  • Why does Rock Creek Park exist?
  • Did someone more or less create it à la Central Park in New York City?
  • What different areas comprise the park?  

Discover answers to these questions (and more) during this invigorating 3.5-mile excursion. 

Wear hiking shoes and be prepared to walk uphill and down, climb some stairs, and possibly cross a stream by stepping on rocks. The hike route will often be uneven and/or bumpy.

Rock Creek Park facts

Rock Creek is America’s oldest natural urban national park and its third-oldest national park. This 2014 Washington Post feature paid tribute to the park’s centennial.

More Washington, D.C. walking tours you might like: The Washington Wilderness Hike and Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

Reviewers of this Washington Walk said:

Enjoyed an excellent hike through Rick Creek park — as ever good company with fellow walkers and well-curated commentary that adds significantly to the enjoyment. Highly recommended.

TripAdvisor reviewer

Where We Meet

Walk departs from the Cleveland Park Metro station’s Connecticut Avenue exit on the same side of the street as Target.

Your Guide

One of our talented experts that may lead your tour.

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